

Network Manger class constists methods are wrapper methods of all android network related methods like get wifi information, telephoney information;

Wifi related:

You need to add "android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE","android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" and "android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" to use this feature. Check how add permissions.

Public methods
void enableWiFi(bool enable)

Enable or disable wifi by passing bool value.

bool isWifiConnected()

This method return true if device connected to wifi else return flase.

bool isWifiEnabled()

This method return true if wifi turn on else return flase.

bool isWifiConnected()

This method return true if device connected to any wifi network else return flase.

bool isWifiConnected()

This method return true if device connected to any wifi network else return flase.

using AndroidNativeCore;

public void ShowAlert()
    Toast.make("Hellow Android Native Core",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)