
Configration panal

Go to unity tool bar navigate Android Native Core/Configurations or click ctrl+alt+a (Windows) or cmd+alt+a on mac to open Android Native Core configuration window.
configuration windiw

Notification Support

Android Native Core plugin doesnot add android notification support libreary default because avoide unused libreary to reduce your application size. If you want to use notifications in your application you need to toggle on "Enable notification support" and click apply button to downloade requried librearys.

Add android resources

In some cases directly pass Texture2D, sound files to android resources are not possiable at runtime. You need to add image , sound files to android resources at build time. Here this section allows you to add android supported image and sound files to application.

Keep in mind file names are in small case letters and numbers only capital letters and special letters are not allowed it will caused build time errors.

Add android permissions

To use some android features like pick image from camera or call phone your application requires to add related android permissions to Androidmanifest.xml file. So this section allows you to add required permissions to your application by toggling. finally dont forget to click "Apply" buttion to save changes.

---Happy coding---